Monday, 20 August 2018

Delchris Africa participates in youth employment conference in Kigali

Over 500 young people are expected to participate in this year's FAO Youth Empowerment confrence in
Management of Delchris Africa Limited, an Agro-processing company are participating in the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Youth Employment conference being held in Kigali, Rwanda from August 20 to August 21.

The company is the producer of Packaged “Dzowoe or Dakoa” (spiced roasted groundnuts and maize cake) on the Ghanaian market.

Ms Roseline Delali Ashigbui, the Founder and CEO of Delchris Africa Limited told the GNA, ahead of the conference that, she seeks to learn from other participants across the African continent on how to improve on her business.

The conference aims to foster an exchange among stakeholders on knowledge and best practices, regarding the interfaces between agriculture, youth employment, entrepreneurship and ICT innovations, leading to prioritising interventions, going forward.

The two-day event is on the theme “Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Engaging through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Entrepreneurship”

It will also deliberate on Youth and entrepreneurship and Digital innovation to overcome agriculture value-chain related constraints and Future of Agriculture Work.

"I am here to contribute my experience as an agriculture entrepreneur, to learn from other more experienced young entrepreneurs, their challenges and how they overcame them," she added.

She said it was also enable participants to learn other innovative ways of solving problems in Agriculture and new technologies employed around the world.

Ms Ashigbui said first-hand information on plans, policies and strategies to overcome the current challenges in Agriculture will be discussed by the pool of experts gathered.

She said it was also to find available and healthy ways to sourcing for funds in agriculture, since it was a great challenge in the sector.

She said as a company they seek to utilize backward integration processes to offer ready market for the women involved in the cultivation of maize, groundnuts, brown rice and millet.

She said their concept also provides employment for the youth in the area, through the production and attractive packaging of their healthy indigenous Ghanaian foods and snacks, to meet global standards.

During that same conference, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations will introduce four digital applications, aimed at helping farmers to improve their household nutrition, food production, income and livelihoods.

The digital applications are, “Cure and Feed your livestock”, “e-Nutrifood”, “Weather and Crop Calendar” and “AgriMarketplace”.

The conference is expected to bring together more than 500 delegates, mostly young people from across Africa to discuss ways to boost employment opportunities in agriculture on the continent, through the use of information and communication technologies and entrepreneurship.

The agenda will focus on sustainable solutions for decent youth employment in agriculture in Africa, such as minimising drudgery while harnessing opportunities in agribusiness entrepreneurship and innovation to enhance productivity and competitiveness.

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